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Indian Power Plus

For many decades Indian was one of the most famous brands which was copied by many American and European manufacturers. The history of this legendary motorbike company began in 1900, when the two former racing cyclists Hendee and Hedstrom joined forces to develop a motorcycle together. The first prototype already, that was presented in 1901, stood out by the conspicuous red paintwork which, later on, was to become the trademark of Indian-motorbikes. The second characteristic feature, the extremely acute-angled engine of but 42°, was first introduced in the year 1907.

Indian models belonged to the most successful motorbikes in the early stage of motorization in America and in Europe. This was not least due to the victories in races that they succeeded in winning, among other events also in the Tourist Trophy in the Isle of Man. While 20,000 units were built in 1912, the production number had increased to 60,000 by 1914.

Indian experienced a further heyday following WWI and, for decades, remained one of the most serious competitors of Harley-Davidson. Like for many other manufacturers, their end then came in the 1950s. Production was discontinued in 1953 when the new models failed to keep their share of the market. The „Power Plus“ motorbike plus sidecar shown here is from 1917. The side-car, an in-house design made of wood, was built in 1925. The drive was a typical Indian V-engine with 1,000 ccm and 18 hp.
